Monday, 21 May 2012


I said I would blog more so I gave myself a goal - to write at least one blog a week. I know its not much.. and if the bloggers I follow only blogged once a week I would be a little upset BUT its a start. and then I figured out that more blogging = more picture taking. more picture taking = more motivation to go running. more running = endorphins. Endorphins make you happy and happy people don't kill their husbands. Speaking of husbands - mine just killed an ant that was making its way to my neck on the couch. I love him for his keen eye and the fact that he knows I would have freaked out if that ant touched me. We apparently have an ant problem. And by problem I mean I have seen 2 ants in my house.. I consider that a problem. I hate ants. Now I feel like I have things crawling all over me. We've all experienced that before right?

Let's give this blog a purpose shall we?

This year was my first mothers day. Before I had Liam I don't think I realized how amazing mothers day is  and I don't think I ever really appreciated the holiday and what it meant.  Being a mother is the most rewarding thing I have ever done. Loving someone unconditionally and knowing that they love you and need you is seriously the best feeling in the world. Paul did a fantastic job of making me feel special on my first mothers day. He woke up with Liam to feed him, he made me breakfast, and he cleaned up the house for me. I got to sit around and just be lazy. How fantastic is that? I wish I had taken pictures. I vow to do better.

With how rewarding being a mother is its equally as exhausting. I know that Liam is still young and once he gets older and starts running all over the place its going to be even more exhausting but that kid sucks everything out of me! Having a day that is dedicated just to mothers and their hard work is awesome. I know appreciate the holiday and what it represents.

Let's get to the gifts shall we..

I got this beauty that I've been drooling over ever since I became a wife.
It's gorgeous right?? I also got a ring that says Liam. I am obsessed with that as well. I tried to get a good picture of it.. but it just doesn't photograph well. I will try again eventually.

A big thank you to the wonderful mothers that I have around me that set an amazing example. I look up to all of you and just hope I can be a fraction of what you are. XOXO - Kelsi

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