Sunday, 31 July 2011

Finally getting things done!

We are making a ton of progress and I am sooo happy about it.
We sent out our invitations... YAYYYY!!! those suckers took FOREVER. I really hope I didn't forget anyone. I feel like sending out invitations is like packing for a long trip. You always think you are forgetting something important and then you find out that you didn't forget anything at all. So.. I'm crossing my fingers and hoping no one was left out.
I think we found the groomsmen their pants. If you don't know Paul's family.. then you don't know why this was such a struggle. Let me explain.. Pauls little brother Joel (19) he is like 6'7 and his brother Matt (23 i think...) he is 6'5... (both single, just fyi). So in other words. It was pretty hard to find pants long enough to fit them. But we did!
I have a sinus infection and a double ear infection.. so I have been a little bit of a grumpy lazy gus this week but luckily we still got a lot done. The apartment search is still on. We found 2 more we LOVE but we are waiting to hear back from the landlords to see if we got one of them. If anyone knows of anything. Let us know!
Best part of this week? We got our honeymoon tickets booked! WOOOHOOOO!! I can't even explain how excited I am to get away for a few days.. especially after all this madness!
20 days til the wedding!
10 days til my mom, sisters, and nieces come!
and... 0 days til SHARK WEEK (I'm watching it right now) yes.. I am one of those crazy obsessed people.
XOXO - Kelsi

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